Thursday, September 10, 2015

Share To Classroom Chrome Extension

Getting your students all on the same webpage has never been easier.  If your working with Google Classroom and your students are working on any laptop, including a PC, Mac or Chromebook, or using desktops in a lab setting you can quickly get all students on the same web page by pushing it out with the Share To Classroom Chrome extension.

As educators, we all know how challenging it can be to get a classroom full of elementary students on the same web page in a timely manner.  As long as you and your students have the extension installed and enabled for each of them, you can find a web page and then push it out to them. It will instantly open on all of their devices.

Get your students on the same (web)page, instantly. 'Get Your Students On The Same (Web)Page, Instantly'.Google for Education. N. p., 2015. Web. 10 Sept. 2015.

This is a great tool to use when you want all of your students to begin research on the same page. An added benefit is that students aren't locked into that page, so if they find a better resource they can simply push it back to you.  Once you review it, you can choose to push the new web page out to all students.

What better way to keep your students engaged, start them on the same level, allow them to share their discoveries with you and save a few minutes of instructional time? Want to learn how to install the extension? Go here. It includes a link with easy instructions to share with your students via Google Classroom.  Let me know what you think in the comments below.

~Rosie F.


  1. Share to classroom is really a great feature because the dynamics of the classroom is transformed.
    We compiled a list of links interesting and safe to share:
