Thursday, April 28, 2016

McAllen ISD Digital Badging

Thanks to McAllen ISD Instructional Technology Director, Ann Vega, teachers and librarians can now apply for their first McAllen ISD digital badges.  So, what are digital badges anyway? Essentially, digital badges are credentials that represent an individual's skills, interests and achievements.  They are intended to convey core academic knowledge and other moderncompetencies that can't be measured by traditional assessments.  According to the MacArthur Foundation "badges are designed to make visible and validate learning in both formal and informal settings, and hold the potential to help transform where and how learning is valued."

We, at the McAllen ISD Instructional Technology Department, are truly committed to helping teachers become the best they can be.  Digital Badges are a way to validate the wonderful work they already do and helps encourage everyone to try new tools.  It's about using technology as a tool for learning and not simply because it's the cool new thing.  Teachers can also earn technology rewards depending on the amount of badges they have accumulated.  It's a great incentive to show what they know or what they have learned.  To learn more, visit the McAllen ISD Digital Badging site.