Friday, November 3, 2017

#eyebombing activity for Narrative Writing

Ok, so I've never considered myself an expert in ELA.  I've always been that geek who loves math, science and technology.  However, I came across this #eyebombing movement that may have changed that just a little bit, so I immediately had to share with you.  The purpose of #eyebombing was started as a way to create smiles on people's faces. Googly eyes are placed on inanimate objects to create a face. What better way to address point of view and perspective in narrative writings than to have students create their own characters?  What kind of stories could they create? Then, in the process, spread a little joy across your campus. I can only imagine the reaction of someone trying to drink from a water fountain with a face on it.  It's a win-win, in my opinion.

I adapted my lesson directly from Gina Ripley.  You can follow the hashtag #eyebombing on Twitter to see how other teachers are adapting this project in their classrooms.  You can also access the lesson and resources here.  I can't wait to see how creative your students will get.  Share their creations with me on Twitter by including @rfluegel and the #eyebombing hashtag.  I will love to see all those characters come to life.

Happy #eyebombing!

~Rosie F.

1 comment:

  1. Seeing your work I thought you would be interested in knowing the genesis of the Eyebombing movement. I started working on this comcept in 1983 with my students ... the links. Yours truly.

    The history and genesis of Eyebombing

    The concept was born under the French term of '' It looks at you '' in Aix en Provence in 1999 developed by the artist Do Benracassa
    The term '' Eyebombing '' only arrived at the beginning of the 2010s, but are creator, the French artist, Do Benracassa started to develop this concept as an educational support in 1983. It is at the end of the years 90 that he develops this street art by flooding the cities where he passes.

    Do Benracassa
